Annyeonghaseyo ? hehehe . Terima kasih kerana sudi melawat my Newbie Blogg . Tetapi , saia akan lebih berterima kasih jika anda sudi menjadi Pollow-Follower saia . :DD . This was my second blogg and the old one sudah dilupakan passwordnya . Once you open this , you are already being one of my sweety persons called FRIEND . ABC , 123 , DOREMI . . Let us check-check rock-rock.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Lubully Lalingg ♥

Introducingg u My beraderr , my peren gossiping and he's my future husbandd . ghahah !

He's the one , who had caught my heart , took it away and made me chasing him now . hahaa ! I just adore him , kind and sweet . He used to be call as Si Panjangg , anaru-anaru begia . kekeke :DD

My Downtown Man plusss my Superrrman , gah ! And yeah , this is the whole body . Gahui && Anaru , miahaha . ((:

And this is us . Ths pcture was taken 0n 29th January ths year duringg his birthday . We took it di Terminal Buss . hehehe . He said , im the first girl ever who had celebrated his bday . Well , :3

And US again . ((: . Im not gonna promise you fr a Perfect Relationship but I promise u that Im staying till the end . <3

Monday, February 21, 2011

Gimme Strength to Pass this .

free glitter text and family website at

It's been 999 times until now , I fake a smile with my teeths on screen . I only need one more to complete this pain . I have to argue with Fergie that Big Girl Don't Cry , it is contrary to my .

free glitter text and family website at

I just want a happy single life without any Drama everyday . Hope tomorrow will be better .  I know I'll be okay and it'll be okay (': . That's all .

Sunday, February 20, 2011



REAL FRIEND didn't come when you're in luck , didn't leave when you're in trouble . REAL FRIEND knows everything about you , your favourite , your attitude , and the real you are . REAL FRIEND didn't talk behind you . REAL FRIEND are the one who understands and always be there for you . Peoples that you need to talk to , to share your favourite , your problem , feeling and anything else . REAL FRIEND makes you happy . They used to inspire and support you for everything you do . The most important one , they love and care about you in their own way .

So , let me talk something about my friend . Once again , I adore to say that I didn't need your Perfection to be my friend . I don't care about the beauty , finesse , sapience and affluence . I simply require someone that can understand , care and love me . I just want the sincerity and frankness for the relationship . But , I extremely loathe someones who think they know me and act like *babegila* to me . Don't ever try to find a scene with me , no special words to give . . You will regret it . I just love to make friends with everyone without hypocrisy .

From left , you'll see Didil who wears tudung kaler Putih , me , Fatin tirah , Hasanah and Tasha . Mira who sits in front si Didil , Lily , Susue and Wawa . :DD

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Facebook Case .

I've noticed that ramai orang yg berdakwah di Laman Sosial yg sdg hangat lg pemes sekarang ne , as you know it is Facebook connecting people , hehehe . Bagus tuh maw kasi sedar org , bgi dorg insaf . Unfortunately , cara berdakwah tuh salah . Well , saia tdklah sealim mana pun . Tapi , saia curious dengan benda ne . So , saia surf Google to survey this familiar case . Betul lah apa yg apa yg dalam otak saia ne cakap . Many people on Fbuk spreads dakwah but cara dakwah tuh mgkn boleh dperbetulkan lagi . I guess so lah , cuma maw luah opinian seja bhaa .

Firman Allah sendiri mengatakan “Serulah manusia kepada jalan TuhanMu dengan hikmah dan pelajaran yang baik dan bantahlah mereka dengan cara yang baik Sesungguhnya TuhanMu yang lebih mengetahui mengenai siapa yang tersesat daripada jalanNya dan Dia yang lebih mengetahui orang yang mendapat petunjuk”.- [al-Nahl :125]. Drpd ayat di atas , terdapat tiga cara berdakwah yang boleh dilakukan. Pertama ,berdakwah secara berhikmah dan bijaksana dengan tutur bahasa yang lembut serta menarik berserta bukti yang jelas,kukuh dan boleh menghilangkan sebarang kesamaran dan keraguan. Kedua , serulah manusia dengan kata-kata yang mengandungi pengajaran seperti kisah umat terdahulu kerana dengan mengingati peristiwa yang menimpa umat terdahulu akan meninggalkan kesan yang mendalam kepada jiwa mereka dari ingkar terhadap Allah. Ketiga , berdakwah melalui perbincangan,muzakarah dan dialog dalam suasana yang penuh kemesraan dan harmoni bukan menggunakan kata2 kesat dan keji kerana tujuan perbincangan adalah untuk menyampaikan kebenaran bukan mencari kemenangan. Para pendakwah tidak harus tergesa-gesa dalam menyampaikan dakwah mereka.Mereka harus mengkaji terlebih dahulu golongan sasar mereka kerana setiap golongan masyarakat yang berbeza memerlukan cara yang berlainan. Imam Ibnu Taimiyah pernah membahagikan manusia kepada tiga golongan. Pertama ,orang yang mudah menerima kebenaran dan terus mengikutinya.Inilah orang yang bijaksana. Kedua,orang yang mahu menerima kebenaran tetapi tidak mahu mengamalkan.Mereka perlulah sentiasa dinasihati sehingga mengamalkan. Ketiga,orang yang tidak mahu menerima kebenaran.Mereka perlu diajak berbincang dan berdialog secara yang paling baik.

Isi ne bukan my own words , just copypaste from blog seorang ustzh ne . So , sepa2 yg mw bdakwah tuh , make sure yg ko bt dengan cara yg betul . Thats all from me . XD

Friday, February 18, 2011

About me (◕‿◕✿)

◕ I do ♥ guitar so bad . This things has drivin' me crazy . Each string means everything to me

◕ I hold the Bajau+Dusun , so I am the Basun . hehehe , I don't know how to speak both . So embarrasing

◕ I ♥ Sergeant Keroro too , hahahaha . Cute right ? I hate the real frog but not that cutey cutey cartoon that I ever seen

◕ Cadbury is mine

◕ Hell yeah , I am a Professional Bathroom Singer . hahaha ! I just love singing , singing and singing . They used to call me as the Penyumbang Faktor Cuaca . Yeah I take it as a compliment :DD

◕ I eat when I'm boring

◕ I laugh like a Devil . jeng jeng jeng :3

◕ I love you when you hate me . Bcuz , you indicate that I am better than you and you are just jealous of me

◕ Yes , I admit that I'm a dumb , ugly , annoying , ego , hot-tempered , the liar one and out of control sometimes . But it wasn't what I want to be . Instead you start it ?


◕ I'm not a socializer , not even that friendly type and when I'm trying to be your friend , I may hurt you and it is just , Oh my ! what have been i am doing . I just offended someone . Yayaya , something like that lah

◕ All that I know is I do hate Hacker !

◕ Damn! Some people just full of jealousy and envy . I let myself to not to think badly , yeah maybe they had nothing . It is called as spite and malicious

◕ Like I said before , I did not need your Perfection to be my friend

◕ I love for being myself and I love for being myself and love for being myself . LOL

◕ That's all from me . Check-check rock-rock

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Well , my name is Nur Fatin Md Rahmat . ahaa *nerdy* . You may call me PATIN , Do you hear that ? Let me spell for you , P.A.T.I.N . No 'F' okayhh . Got it ? cosy with that ? I hope so so so (: . I am the simplest person in this whole world who didn't need your perfection to be my friend , ghahah . NO FOR JEALOUSY AND ENVY . I'd say: I Do hate Hacker ! I certainly bored with this sort of thing . Since you have nothing , you should try to gain it , to have something bhaa . It is Childish and stupid ever you know ? This blogg was copiedpasted from my Tumblr . wakaka , keterlampauan perrmalas kan. hohohoho XD . Anyway , Welcome to the Page ! ngeheh XD